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Want to learn more about the "Going Lower: 18 Food Challenges" course? Keep reading!

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Feeding 2 People for $50 per Week!

Going Lower Queen, Sandra, and her husband Peter have reduced their grocery bill to less than $50 a week for both of them! They enjoy delicious, healthy, and nutritious meals every day. Now, they’ve teamed up with us to create this course, designed to teach and inspire you to have fun lowering your food bills, improve the taste of your meals, and spend less time in the kitchen.

The course includes:

  • 18 Challenges
  • 99 Video Lessons
  • Ingredients Substitutions Chapter from the $21 Challenge Book
  • Bonus Ingredients Chapter from the $21 Challenge Book
  • Sandra's Bread Recipe eBook
  • Sandra's Cheesecake Recipe eBook
  • 18 Quizzes
  • 12 Months of Community Support

The course costs just $47 and comes with a 365-day, no-questions-asked refund policy. Click here to join the course.

Course Overview:

The course is divided into 18 challenges, each designed to help you reduce your grocery bill. Here’s what you’ll tackle:

Welcome – Introduce yourself in the 'Welcome Circle.'

3 Reasons – Write down three things you want to gain from the course.

Challenge Buddy – Find a buddy to join you on your journey (optional).

Jumping Hurdles – Identify and solve potential problems to Going Lower.

Setting Targets – Set targets for No Spend Day, Big Savings Week, and Going Lower Month challenges.

No Spend Day – Complete one or more No Spend Days.

Big Saving Week – Spend as little as possible for a whole week to see "How Low Can You Go?"

Take Stock – List food in your fridge, freezer, pantry, and yard for planning.

Flexibility – Cook a meal and cake without buying anything from the store.

Priority Ingredients – Cook 7 meals using your Priority Ingredients.

Food Plan – Create a food plan for a day, week, or month.

Price Hunt – Find 3 good deals on meat, produce, or everyday ingredients.

Shopping Plan – Make a battle plan for a successful, low-cost grocery trip.

Bulk Cooking – Cook something in bulk to save time in the kitchen.

Making Bread – Bake your own bread using basic ingredients.

Home Grown – Grow and eat some of your own food.

Legumes – Cook a meal featuring legumes.

Going Lower Month – Apply everything you’ve learned and try to see "How Low Can You Go?" for one month.

The course includes:

  • 18 challenges
  • 99 video lessons
  • Ingredients Substitutions and Bonus Chapters from the $21 Challenge book
  • Sandra's Bread and Cheesecake Recipe eBooks
  • 18 quizzes
  • 12 months of Community Support

Cost: $47
Refund Policy: 365-day, no-questions-asked refund

Click here to join course

Purchase Course

Have fun learning how to lower your food bill on the "Going Lower: Food Challenge". It is only $47 for 12 months and you will earn that money back in a grocery shop or two.

Click here to buy